Crowd of People



Socelor training was originally developed for teaching abstract cognitive enablers (ACEs) in a university setting for university students. The methods used are based on the principles of The Science of Learning. In the university setting, the results for the students who enrolled in the classes using the methods developed by Dr. Jesse Martin were nothing short of phenomonal. Following a single semester of his classes the students’ work was significantly better and the satisfaction with their own learning, as they took control, was amazing. It just works.

In the ensuing years, Socelor has taught ACEs to ordinary people just like you. The results are just as amazing. One student, a 50-something-year-old Senior Project Manager reported that he felt stunned by the difference in the way he worked in about four weeks. He said, “I’m approaching my work differently and everyone has noticed that I’m just better at my job.” He was already good, but Socelor's training made him better.

Who is Socelor for? You! You and everyone you know. As you learn ACEs your anxiety and uncertainty about the future will disappear as you begin to realize your potential. It doesn’t matter if you are a Senior Project Manager, a Lawyer feeling that AI will impact their security, a construction worker looking to change their life, or an unemployed individual looking for something to set them apart.

Oh, and don’t forget the university students and graduates.

Enroll today and begin to see the difference in your life almost immediately.