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Artificial Intelligence and Learning to Think

With AI rapidly acquiring traditional deep thinking skills (rationality, logic, reasoning, and critical thinking), it is imperative that we develop our thinking skills as quickly as possible and to a depth that will allow us to work as equals with our inventions. Shane Legg and Demis Hassabis, Google's DeepMind cofounders, are working toward an AI system that can “outperform 100 percent of humans” across a “wide range of non-physical tasks, including metacognitive abilities…".

Google's ambitions might be higher than they can realistically achieve, but if they even get close, you need to do all that you can to develop yourself and your critical team members as much as possible.

Contact us today to find out more.

Developing Your Thinking

Critical thinking is a fundamental abstract Cognitive Enabler (ACE). Critical thinking is a skill that most of us need more of and we can all think of others who don't appear to have any at all. At Socelor, it is our business to teach you how to use ACE.

We don't specialize in teaching you what it is, but we teach you how to do it. Many of you will have taken classes about thinking skills that focus, almost exclusively, on what thinking skills are. We teach you how, not what.

We are running a class to learn ACEs in general, beginning on January 7 and going for 10 weeks to learn how to develop your ACEs. The cost is $800 and it will be the best $800 you will ever spend. We are at a time in history when this kind of thinking is needed more than ever before.​